Saturday, September 06, 2008

Jesus said, "Build this gas pipeline," and other tales from the GOP's Fantasy Island ticket.

Don’t count me among those entranced by the Republican ticket of Juan and Eva Peron (wait -- make that John McCain and Sarah Palin).

Strip away the medals and lipstick, and it’s the same old Republican palaver about flags, erections, money and Christian-sanctioned interference in the private affairs of adults.

The GOP’s vice presidential candidate, now embraced by the shunned PUMA estrogen mafia (thanks, R), advocates the polar opposite worldview from that of Hillary Clinton, especially when it comes to women's rights, but the Professor Erikas of America are so eager to vote against a black man that they’ll flip to theocratic fascism without skipping a beat.

So it goes, and theocratic fascism is not too strong a term to describe it. Here’s a commentator whose already written what I’d like to have said … so I’ll link to him and return to my work.

Why Sarah Palin Scares Me


  1. Though I am SLIGHTLY comforted by the GOP VP pick, any comfort is quickly overshadowed by her veiws on killing wolves and beluga whales to help "protect" sport fishing and hunting game populations.....

  2. You are joking,right? Obama doesn't believe in giving 14th amendment rights to human babies that survive an abortion...choosing instead to have them put on a shelf until they die, and you are talking about killing wolves..? Please say this was an attempt at humor.

  3. If the McCain pick of this woman is an attempt at humor, I'm not laughing. If the American people deserve any credit for intelligence, it should be the best thing to happen to Obama. Walter Lippman's advice haunts me, however,"never overestimate the intelligence of the American people." I hope and pray his cynicism is not prescient.

    The article you featured, Roger, hit many nails on heads.

    The nation can survive many things thrown at it, as history has shown. But I won't bet on democracy surviving another administration that would ladle out four more years of jingoistic crap like we saw from the Republican convention this past week.

  4. This woman scares me. She could end up being POTUS if McOld kicks the bucket. This was just his way of trying to energize a base that wasn't thrilled with him and then trying to be "The Maverick" with the moderates.

    How about her saying the Iraq war is a "task from God"? We've been trying to convince the Muslim world that this isn't a new crusade, then this nutcase is given the opportunity to be 2nd in command.

    She certainly wasn't chosen to go after Hillary voters since she's on the opposite end of the spectrum from Hillary in nearly every area. She says global warming isn't caused by humans (while McOld believes it is), sued the Feds over the polar bears being on the Endangered Species list, the list goes on and on for reasons to despise her.

    And let's not forget how the religious right would be howling if Obama's 17 year old daughter was unmarried and pregnant. Can't you hear it? "Lack of moral values, poor parenting skills, destruction of family values...if he can't control his own daughter, how can we expect him to control the problems facing this country?"

    Finally, Biden hit it on the head. While the McOld/Palin ticket sit around making speeches poking fun at Obama, unemployment has gone up, foreclosures are still going on, the national debt is still skyrocketing, gas prices still at unbelievably high levels...not one word from the Reps on what they're going to do about it. Just making fun of Obama. That's the only way they can get elected and they know it.

    My only solace in all this is, if McOld gets elected, at least there will be solid Democratic majorities in both house of Congress...

  5. Sorry, it's just that I used to kind of like the guy. Now he's just another stuffy Republican to me.

    I've also seen "McFossil" which I thought was kinda funny.

  6. BTW, I think it's very telling that the campaign hasn't allowed her to do any interviews yet...

  7. Thanks for the link. The story on Sarah Palin Jewish problem is very interesting.


  8. The choice of Palin appears to be an effort to go after the conservative/religious base of the Republican Party, which is the same strategy they used in 2004. That is, they're running a campaign based on cultural issues. One example of the kind of tactics they are using: Palin's use of the phrase "San Francisco" as a code word in her acceptance speech. I'm on the other side of the cultural divide they're trying to exploit. I certainly am not voting Republican.

  9. Daniel,
    With all due respect, Kind sir, thw difference of the politics of abortion and wildlife ecology are completely separate issues.
    There is no humor to either side of the issue.

  10. The only chance the democrats had to recapture the white house was with Hillary, sorry but the all fluff and no stuff Obama and his entrenched DC insider Biden wont win the eletoral swing states that will be necessary to reach the magic # of 271.

    I do not agree with McCain or Palin's positions but the demographics that Hillary was strong with, middle aged, white and blue collar wont buy into Obama and Biden, Palin appeals to the NRA crowd, the social conservatives and yes small town america plus she energized McCain's conservative base and if you think all those under 30's are going to come out and vote, guess again, they have more important things to do like listen to their IPODS.

    Gore and Kerry were believable liberals who knew how to get the moderates, this ticket is a sure loser, but so is my candidate Nader.

  11. my prediction: Mccain 275, Obama 263 electoral votes and no Indiana will not go Obama
