Monday, September 15, 2008

It's an insurance claim Monday, New Albany.

Let's hope you have some. Electricity, too ...

The power has been out at NABC/Rich O's/Sportstime since early Sunday afternoon, so I'm guessing our chances of opening today are slim. If the juice comes back on soon, we may be back in action serving beer tonight, but food deliveries don't come until tomorrow, and the beer (although unharmed) is currently warm.

I like it that way, though not everyone does.

The beer in the temperature-controlled brewery fermenters is another matter, and we'll have to play that one by ear.

Property damage from yesterday's Hurricane Ike aftershocks looks to be extensive, though not expensive in most cases, with many trees and limbs down, and shingles blown off rooftops. A few houses weren't so lucky, and as Diggin' In the Dirt reported on Sunday, several prominent New Albany landmarks took big hits from the gusts. Fortunately, injuries and deaths appear to be few in our region, and for that we're all thankful.

Any thoughts? Post 'em. The thread will remain open the remainder of the day as clean-up proceeds and I make ready for Benelux beercycling (departure Tuesday).


  1. Silver Grove had moderate damage, although by the time I was able to walk the neighborhood everyone I saw and spoke with was coping well. Power was back on around 8pm.

    I weathered the storm in my office on the 19th floor of the Aegon building in downtown Louisville. I literally developed mild motion sickness from the swaying. It was a little creepy.

  2. The great thing about working on hospital property is that we have electric here. Our "displacement housing" in Floyd Knobs doesn't have any electric. This is also true of our "displaced from the displacement housing" on Charlestown Road.

    We drove by our house and the tarps blew off from the roof, but it doesn't look like there has been anymore damage to our home.

    As a side note. Jim took a number of pictures of buildings downtown on Saturday. He went around again today and took some of the same pictures for comparison. I will post them somewhere later.

  3. Here's the photo comparisons that Tabitha is talking about:

    What a Difference a Day Makes

  4. We had to major limbs go down yesterday. One in the back yard that seems to be responsible for the blocks power outage (sorry neighbors) and ne HUGE one that fell on the porch, still there, when the kids and I were there.

    scary stuff.

    Still now power.

    On a side, more infuriating note, my awesome councilman who cares so much about his constituants drove past yesterday while we were trying to clean up, and stopped in front of our house and said to his passenger something to the extent of "Whoa look at that, that's awesome".

    yes mr. price the huge f*&king limp that went on our porch and INTO our bedroom scaring my children half to death is awesome. for sure.

  5. Ceece,
    NOt to mention the tongue lashing you got from another city employee we had talked about....
    I hope things are moving along at your place, and dont hesitate to call if you need a hand!

  6. @csd yeah it was all around a bad time! Plus I had to take the ol pup to the vet today! Ayeyayaya

    Thanks for the heads up about the help. I'll let you know how it goes, would you be able to email me the name of the guy again?

