Monday, August 04, 2008

Front burner.

The New Albany City Council will consider an ordinance tonight after just one public hearing that would ban smoking in places of employment as a matter of public health. The meeting's at 7:30. There will no doubt be expressions of outrage. Television crews will probably be there.

At 6:00, there will be a council work session during which only a portion of the time will be devoted to housing inspection and code enforcement along with other issues. There will no doubt be expressions of cowardice. Television crews probably won't be there.

Here's to our health.

Morning fires keep NAFD busy

New Albany fire sends man to hospital

Fire damages New Albany home

Bad wiring caused New Albany house fire

Morning fire damages two New Albany homes

All news stories from the Tribune within the past year. Photo credit: Indian Health Service,


  1. Lets not forget that according to Greg Crabtree the polcie department is the shortest on manpower that he can remember in all of his time on the Department, and a little issue with a $2m bugetary shortfall, also the whole redistricting thing....
    As Roger had eluded to in the article in the paper sunday, this is a way to fast track something through to make it appear they are doing good.

  2. something that bewilders me is how the floyd county health dept. can be such a strong advocate for a smoking ban but ignore one the county's biggest health issues: mosquito monitoring and eradication, while passing the buck and saying it's the city's responsibilty.

    Maybe the council should ban the floyd county health dept and seek services from the clark county health dept., they get the job done, of course there is aslo the privatization option. The county commissioners should do the whole county a favor.

  3. Dr. Harris' demeanor and juvenile scoffing, snickering, and body language at the meeting last night anytime anyone spoke out in opposition to the ban should provide a good insight as to why more important matters such as mosquito population increases rank low on the priority list.

  4. I'm for the smoking ban, and I'm glad it passed first reading last night...but the hypocrisy of Dan Coffey's comments about his vote is downright painful.

    Coffey countered that even though he opposes government interference, he thinks low-income people who work in restaurants, bars and other places deserve protection against secondhand smoke.

    He said that in his role as "a public servant," he would vote yes.

    (as reported in the Courier-Journal)
