Friday, July 04, 2008

REWIND: Oooh ... AHHH ... it's trognonymous hate mail!

Hard to believe it's been a year (originally published on July 6, 2007).

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The acrid aftertaste of anonymous snailhatemail is always easier to swallow when chased with a Progressive Pint from NABC (pictured above, Croupier IPA).

When the cowards start sending mash notes, you must be doing something right, but if the city's "little people" graduate to outright stalking, can someone please let me know?

I'd hate to trip over them on my way to the pub.


  1. Cowardly fools.

    What does strike me, however, is that their spelling was good. That's such a change from their norm.

  2. They did end the last sentence with a preposition. It should have been: Crawl back into the hole whence you came.

  3. Yes, it is somehow noteworthy our beloved little people have raised their grammatical standards. Will we soon see a rise in community standards as well?
