Friday, June 06, 2008

If you really were a college professor, you'd know about little things like plagiarism.

Cowardly pseudonymous trog-bloggers constantly remind us about the merits of integrity, and the necessity of playing “by the rules,” and so when they publish essays that they pretend to have written (so much pretending hereabouts … who’re the wannabes, anyway?), it’s important to remind readers, especially younger ones, of those times when unattributed Internet content is foisted off as original.

The rules in this case state that when one publishes the written work of others, he or she should tell us who wrote the words. Otherwise, it’s plagiarism.

Speaking of Professor Erika, New Albany’s foremost pseudonymous plagiarist, here is the unattributed source of her latest Luddite “greeting card” mirth:

From the second paragraph through, “Sorry to hear your ex-wife got remarried,” and including an excerpt near the end:

As for the knee-slapping greeting card expressions, she might have stolen them from a number of websites, but here’s one where all are found to be listed:

The moral of the story? Only wannabes pretend, Erika.


  1. Spring has past
    Summer is near
    Two way traffic
    May finally be here

    Have a Wonderful Day

  2. I've said it before
    And I'll say it again
    Reading Freedom of Speech
    Will damage your brain

  3. Here is an interesting new game I have invented. Take a phrase from any comment she has written, copy to the google bar, see what hits you get. I just got a whole paragraph.


  4. Hmmm. This reminds me of a new poem that I've been thinking about writing. I think it should be pretty good. I'm planning to begin it with, "Two roads diverged in a yellow wood..." That's all that I've come up with so far. I'll have to think about it and tell you the rest after I've completed my composition.

    Have a great weekend, all.

  5. Nantucket.

    'nuff said.

  6. Personally, I think that I have never seen a poem lovely as a tree.
