Saturday, June 28, 2008

Erik(a) at FOS stealing again? Say it isn't so.

In which we pillage the mailbag ...

Mark, you bring up a good point.

The forever faux perfesser’s “Obama’s kitchen” post, while credited to Brad, actually appears to have come from yet another cowardly unattributed source, Hoosiers for Fair Taxation, where I can’t find anyone taking credit for the slander and innuendo. My guess is Brad cribbed it from the anonymous cretin therein.

And, the most recent Freedom to Screech posting about “a few more simple rules” appeared first on the Indiana Barrister blog, which attributes it to Jennifer Wagner.

I hope that helps. As we’ve noted many times before, you’d think a self-proclaimed academic would know the few simple rules of intellectual honesty, but when the poseur's foundation is intellectually dishonest – not to mention as rotten as termite-infested wood – then you can’t expect the rules to be followed (or even known, for that matter).

That’s fiar and open debate, Open Air Museum style, and another reason why we make so very little progress in these benumbed parts.

1 comment:

  1. Being by nature a (cough, choke, gag) naive individual who really wants to trust that most people are caring, honest and above board I must admit that the more I become aware of who is involved (anonomous & otherwise) in the discussions at FOS, the more I find myself questioning both their motivation and (dare I say it?) agenda!

    Are not these the same persons that swear on their anscestors graves that they do not, can not and will not be involved in politics and its surrounding discussions??
