Sunday, May 11, 2008

Another reason to believe that New Albany is behind the times.

We were returning from a suburban Louisville graduation party last evening and, as usual, descended the I-64 ramp to the intersection of Elm and State Streets.

The first two things you see are the old Nicholson Maytag building on the northeast corner, now mercifully purchased and under renovation, and Planet Telecom just opposite. Now, I've come generally to ignore Planet Telecom's prominent LED moving message sign, which I view as egregious, and yet as we sat at the intersection waiting for the light to change, there was a sense of unease that I couldn't quantify. Finally I read the words scrolling from right to left.

It was the same message that apparently had first run 17 days ago on the morning of April 23, the day after the Pennsylvania primary; the message was about how the race had changed, and what Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama would do next.

17 days. What's up with that?

If Jeff and I can update this blog every day ...


  1. Having noticed the new door on the old Maytag building, I'm not sure "renovating" is the word to use for what Mr Mahan will be doing. Isn't this the same landlord who runs the most disturbing slumhouse on Main St? Well, I won't hold my breath the Maytag building is going to see any investments.

  2. Gina, thanks for that. I saw the door, too, and was planning on walking down there today to snap a photo. Look for it some time this week.

  3. Sometimes contractors will put up any door they have to make it through construction. I certainly hope that's the case here.

    Otherwise, the only desciption that fits could have been offered by the late opera critic, Leonard Pynth Garnell, "disastrously, inappropriately incompatible."

  4. Residential style doors are inapprppriate for a commercial building. The building is not within the boundary of the Downtown local historic district. If it were, these guidelines would need to be followed:

  5. uggh what Gina said!

  6. at least the maytag building has lost it's tattered awning, fresh paint is being applied, and progress it being made.

    The work on what will be the new Connor's place is moving at a rapid pace as well.

    sure puts it way ahead of the city when it comes to progress on building that have been purchased...

  7. Well, just FYI, the LED Sign displays NEWS STORIES, and is updated by new news stories that come in from news feeds. Just because it had a message about something that happened over two weeks ago dosen't mean it isn't updated, it was just still a top news story. It is actually updated much more often than your blog, at least once an hour, though it can still show some of the same news stories. Just FYI.
