Monday, April 21, 2008

When in doubt, why not just ask?

In an effort to inform voters beyond a seemingly practiced silence, I sent the following email to local Democratic Chairperson Randy Stumler and his Republican counterpart, Dave Matthews, this morning.


As the primary approaches, voters throughout the county are actively engaged in the process of deciding for whom to cast their votes. In order to aid NA Confidential readers in that endeavor, I thought it might be helpful if the two of you, as county chairpersons, could provide an outline of your parties' respective platforms concerning local issues so that I might share them online in your own words.

Of particular interest are issues of code enforcement, smart growth, revitalization of our historic downtown business district and surrounding neighborhoods, and the attraction and retention of a creative, entrepreneurial community. If you could provide insight into the specific strategies your parties currently advocate in relation to those issues or any others you judge to be organizational priorities, I'm sure a large percentage of our roughly 1,500 weekly readers would be grateful.

Thank you,
Jeff Gillenwater
NA Confidential

Responses will be shared as received.


  1. Dear Voters,

    I sit down to write this after returning from services at the church of which I have been been a member all of my life. It was a nice service attended by people that I have lived around all my life. My lovely wife and kids also attended. By the way, my wife is also a life long resident, as are our children and pets.

    Our party strongly believes that growth must be smart because if it isn't, it is dumb.

    Entrepreneurial spirit needs to be encouraged and creative ideas need to be used to maintain our neighborhoods, historic and otherwise.

    We strongly support the use of codes to keep our secrets from Al-Qaeda.

    Please vote for us! We have y(our) best interests at heart.

    "Dandy Rave"
