Saturday, April 26, 2008

Obama Block Party for Change: Today at the Public House, beginning at 12 noon.

(Reprinted from yesterday)

1:20 p.m. update:

I have a few more details about the Obama Block Party for Change on Saturday at the Public House. It will run from Noon to 5:00 p.m., and there'll be free pizza and soft drinks, with the bar available for those preferring the random Progressive Pint. The organizers, who are arranging live music and a raffle, would like for you to RSVP Meghan at 317-503-9772 if you're planning on attending. Keep in mind that from the standpoint of the Obama campaign, they'd like to meet people who wouldn't mind donating a bit of time to the cause; early voting takes place tomorrow at the clerk's office, and there's canvassing to be done. This is going to be a fun afternoon, so plan on stopping by.

The earlier posting:

After dropping into Obama HQ for further information, I'll be back a bit later to update this announcement, but for now know that we'll be throwing an Obama Block Party on Saturday, April 26 in the Prost room at Rich O's Public House (3312 Plaza Drive). Starting time is circa 12:00 noon.

Below is the default text of the statewide e-mail. Check back later for details.

Dear Friend,

I wanted to let you know about the Block Parties we're organizing in communities across Indiana this Saturday.

Indiana's primary is less than two weeks away, and supporters are coming together in their neighborhoods to share their enthusiasm for Barack.

Check out the Block Party map and find the one near you

These potluck Block Parties are a great way to get to know fellow supporters in your area and relax with some food, music, and fun.

Everyone will be welcome at the parties, where we'll take a little time to connect with each other and chat about why we're supporting this movement and what we can do to Get Out The Vote in Indiana.

And if you're registered to vote, we'll have information to help you find your polling place. Early Vote locations will be open on Saturday, so we'll have details about that, too.

If you want, bring your family, a friend, or your favorite dish -- and RSVP now for a Block Party.

See you on Saturday!

Mitchell Kent
Indiana GOTV Director
Obama for America

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