Sunday, February 10, 2008

Wrong photo, guys.

In the top right-hand corner of the Sunday Tribune's "Spectrum" section, there’s a photo of Sammy Hagar.

For the uninitiated, Hagar was the singer for the rock band Van Halen from 1984 through about 1996, replacing original vocalist David Lee Roth.

Hagar’s photo is meant to draw attention to an article inside that charts the considerable success of the current Van Halen reunion tour.

That’d be the tour with David Lee Roth singing, and without Sammy Hagar involved in any way. In fact, Hagar’s name is not mentioned in the article itself, and it is clearly noted that during the ongoing tour, no songs from after 1984 are being played, just the ones that Diamond Dave originally sang prior to that date.

Somehow this reminds me of the inexplicable tendency of newspapers to do things like run a banner headline naming a savage criminal, then prominently display a photo of the police officer who arrested him.

The devil's in the details, guys.


  1. You mean like the "detail" of county Council's overseeing city's budgets?

    View my latest post!

  2. I caught that photo myself and thought maybe they were all getting back together. Each line up had its own little thing going and I appreciated both for who they were. I think I preferred Sammy over Dave in the long run. Although I may still be pissed for shelling out cash for David Lee Roth's first solo album which only included four songs of which two were covers.

    I noticed that a couple of blogs are missing from your links section. I use to use those to find out what others were saying without cluttering up my "favorites".
