Monday, February 04, 2008

Tonight: A council’s prerogative to change its mind?

New Albany’s previous sitting council dully chased “all the information,” the “withheld information” and the “missing information“ for four seemingly endless years, to precious little concrete effect, but in this bold new era, finally – finally – “additional information” has bubbled to the surface.

New Albany sewer, storm water suit not over yet, by Daniel Suddeath (News & Tribune).

Additional information in the lawsuit between the City of New Albany and its Sewer and Storm Water Drainage boards could result in the rescinding of last month’s City Council vote to end litigation in the case.

Fans of the mystery genre already know the outcome: It was the butler who finedishly enabled the no-bid sewer contract, but the real entertainment comes from seeing the council members don their houndstooth hats, plug in their briar (unlit) pipes and reverse field. Just remember that the imperative to provide a hungry audience with numerous sequels means that there's always previously unidentified information waiting to leap in the council's laps -- or, depending on the case, to remain buried until needed.

Meanwhile, the 3rd district’s reigning political embarrassment already has offered a strong contender for quote of the year (abject economics futility category) with this gem:

“The way I see it right now we have two solutions to come up with more money,” (Steve) Price said. “Start printing it ourselves or increase (sewer rate) rates — I am against both.”

Just imagine if we used economic development monies to, well, develop the economy and not to subsidize sewer rates. The citywide pie might actually grow larger, and instead of subsidizing the rates for all people, a share of the larger pie might be used to subsidize only those who can’t afford the increase.

Of course, when it comes to the 3rd district councilman, any crumb on the floor is tantamount to a pie in the sky -- and just as unattainable.

February 4 agenda and exhibits.

1 comment:

  1. I really appreciate Ms. Wismans' efforts in putting exhibits on line now!
