Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Open thread: Super Tuesday.

Dual Clintonians or Obama?

In a few hours, we may have a clue as to the direction the Democrats will be following in 2008. As an aperitif, I’m suggesting this article by the inimitable Frank Rich:

Ask Not What J.F.K. Can Do for Obama, by Frank Rich (New York Times).

Now that John McCain has gathered momentum, will the Republicans end their misery and eviscerate Mitt Romney? The West Virginia caucus results earlier today certainly seem to suggest that the answer is yes, with all the delegates in poverty central going to the doomed theocratic huckster Huckabee.

Stay tuned, and feel free to discuss here as the results unfold.

As for me, it will be delightful to cast my eighth consecutive anti-Republican presidential vote this fall. I'd prefer it be for Barack Obama.

Give me Obama-McCain, and a generational competition that represents a true choice, and we’ll see.


  1. Obama is the most famous member of the United Church of Christ. Of course, when you read the bogus e-mails you read that he's really Islamic.

    I guess that I hadn't gotten the memo that the United Church of Christ was now Islamic. Oh well. What I do find amazing is that opponents try to smear people instead of engaging them.

    I'd vote for Hillary at this point. I know all of the negatives surrounding her and I hate the fact that she voted for the war. I do like her experience, however.

  2. Probably close to half the population of the United States has been born during a time when the White House has been occupied by either a member of the Bush or Clinton families. When one considers the thirst for change in this country, it is difficult to imagine that extending this streak out for another four or eight years will satisfy people.

    After Hillary's retirement in 2017we could swing back into step with the Jeb Bush administration. As that ends, Chelsea Clinton will be of age. The Bush family procreates like fungus so we may go through dynastic periods rivaling the Hapsburgs. It's a bit like putting our nation on auto-pilot.

    Obama/Clinton or Clinton/Obama is touted as a "dream ticket". I still hold out hope for my dream ticket of Obama/Gore.

    Witness the current Vice and one clearly sees that it is an office of consequential influence. It would be an outstanding position from which Gore could lead the nation toward environmental sanity while not holding the office for which he is most suited.

    Message to Al: Duty calls.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Ditto John Gonder. Obama/Gore would win hands down.

    Obama is the only reason I can call myself a Democrat (an Obama-Democrat, if you will). I had been intrigued by him for the last few years, but reading Audacity of Hope in late 2006 sealed the deal for me.

  5. O, both before and after thinking. His candidacy represents the first time in my lifetime I could be proud to vote for a president.

    An Obama/Gore ticket? I knew I voted for John for a reason.

  6. I still think that anyone who runs on a promise of "change", should actually say what kind of change he/she is speaking of, and how he/she would go about bringing this "change". If there is nothing behind the promise of "change"..it is just a word.

  7. John Alton - it's fairly easy to find Obama's entire platform online. Don't buy into the soundbytes.

  8. http://www.digg.com/2008_us_elections/Yes_We_Can_Barack_Obama_Song

    Many of you may have seen this, but if not...check it out.
