Sunday, January 20, 2008

"Why Buy Local?" LIBA will elaborate on January 27.

From the Louisville Independent Business Alliance (LIBA), an invitation to Keep Louisville Weird by shopping locally ... and attending a January 27 presentation by Stacy Mitchell, author of "Big Box Swindle."


  1. Ann and I (the whole store in fact) are privileged to attend the ABA's Winter Institute this weekend and we couldn't be happier to be having lunch with Stacy Mitchell (Big-Box Swindle, The Hometown Advantage), Michael Shuman (Small-Mart Revolution), and Bill McKibben (Deep Economy).

    There will be more shop-local first brain power in the room during that event than we're likely to see.

    I join with The New Albanian in encouraging people to attend Sunday's Rainbow Blossom event.

  2. While there may be a place for the mainline commerce cheerleaders, an organization with a focus on independent businesses stands a better chance of building a solid, sustainable and appropriate economic environment benefitting the greatest number of people in a community.

    Tip O'Neill made it into Bartlett's Quotations with "All politics is local." I think a good case can be made for, "All prosperity is local."
