Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Say kids, what time is it? Why, it's time for Steve Price to begin embarrassing himself publicly ... again.

Monday’s first city council meeting of 2008 quite possibly was the most “covered” in recent history, as the blog and media links provided below will attest. Taken together, these are ample to convey the spirit of the gathering, especially on a day when work (it’s inventory time!) beckons at an obscenely early hour.

But it’s never too early to begin documenting the myriad inadequacies and sheer cerebral vacancy of my 3rd district councilman, Steve "Spawn of Buffalo Bob" Price.

Much as one might expect, Price continued his long rearguard action against code enforcement as the only council representative to vote against Mayor Doug England’s omnibus city government remodeling ordinance, which includes the new position of “concentrated code enforcement officer.”

Price also reaffirmed his commitment to unprincipled NIMBY-ism; as best articulated in the NA Shadow Council post “Shallower and Shallower”:

He stated (and I'll paraphrase) that his default position on all zoning and planning matters destined to come before the council would be to oppose any plan that draws opposition from the closest neighbors. One assumes that includes futile stances that will subject the city to great expense when the council rebuffs strictly legal proposals.

One observer noted that Mr. Price was a bold defender of the status quo for Monday night's Sixth District NIMBYs, and wondered why he wasn't equally bold in defending his own district against decay and infestation by a slumlord/crackhouse mentality.

With Dan Coffey still groveling for crumbs at the new mayor’s table, Price is left as the council’s premier Luddite voice. We suspect Price will not be hesitant to appeal to his Neanderthal bloc – a group that has nothing whatsoever to offer as to the future of this city – by baying at the moon while carelessly ignoring the best interests of his own district … and we also suspect we’ll spend the remaining four years of his final term in documenting this pathetic record for posterity.

NA Confidential:
Just one question: Wasn't recusal, or at the very least abstention, the ethical course?

NA Shadow Council:
Wouldn't It Have Been Cool If...
Shinin and Snubbin
Sleight of Hand
Parade of Ignorance
Caffeynated Four Years?
Shallower and Shallower
He-Earned-It, But-How, Precisely?
Denison Making Mark

New Albany 15A:
Council Meeting Jan 7th, Some comments to revisit?

New Albany Today:
New City Council Meets Tonight

Gahan elected to lead council

Tribune (later this afternoon):



  1. It seems as hard as we work to enact meaningful housing code enforcement, our councilman Price works against it. The lone vote last night to oppose targeted housing enforcement which is mostly in his district?! Wow - do we pay this guy?

  2. I am starting to develop the opinion that you are less than happy with your elected representative...I dont know what would make me think that way...
