Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Quasi-cerebral utterances.

Civilization rests on two things: the discovery that fermentation produces alcohol, and the voluntary ability to inhibit defecation. And I put it to you, where would this splendid civilization be without both?
--Robertson Davies, "The Rebel Angels"

Thanks to J for this quote. I can't put my finger on it, but it accurately captures my mood at present.

9:00 am update

With respect to our discussions the past couple of days, I understand these were topics of discomfort for some. However, I believe strongly that unless we're able to adopt an empirical approach and ask difficult questions, there'll be no substantive, lasting progress. Emotion, hope and perhaps even faith are necessary components, but in themselves, they'll not be enough to change the facts of life. The learning curve needs to be shortened, or ultimate success is going to be tragically elusive.

Given my reputation as a Commie, it's quite odd finding myself in the position of defending "survival of the fittest" in a somewhat-free-market. So be it. I have an interesting day ahead, and if there's time, I'll tell you about it later today.


  1. Like everyone else, I am not pointing fingers or trying to put blame on anyone.

    Regardless of what we were taught as children, hard work does not guarantee success. There are plenty of people who worked long, hard hours and their business still failed. Hard work gives you a chance, but that is all.

    A great product does not guarantee success. The best buggy whip maker in the world will starve to death in New Albany.

    "Enough" money does not guarantee success. Give that buggy whip maker $20,000 and he will still starve, just a little later.

    I am not big on slogans because they are usually too simplistic. However, most are somewhat grounded in real life. "Work smarter, not harder". "Location, location, location!!"

    The best and shortest piece of business advice that I ever received:

    There are 3 things a business can offer--quality, service and price. You may not be #1 in any of the 3. The MOST that you can be #1 in is 2 out of the 3. Which 2 are you going to choose? Plan your work accordingly and work your plan.

  2. I believe the reason the closing of Treets is such a tough topic is because it really was a community effort. There are so many people who helped try to make it work.

    That includes the folks who went out of their way to eat there, and modified their budget for a $10 lunch.
