Friday, December 28, 2007

End of an error (this time we really mean it) for the wannabeens.

The garlic has been dispensed, wooden stakes duly deployed and Van Helsing is jetting back to private practice, so we turn to Lloyd for coverage of yesterday's special city council session at his blog, View from the Highway.

Go there and peruse the whole report: The King is Dead...Long Live the King!!

Well it's officially over! The gang of four is now one and a half; (ooops, make that two!)

The call to order came at precisely 1600 hours with an admonition by his majesty that the meeting be short, sweet, and to the point as he had houseguests coming in from afar.

In unrelated news, the Pants Down Pot Luck Port Drinkers Circle had its annual holiday meeting at the Public House last night, and a good time was had by all 30 tipplers in attendance. Special merit goes to Steve and Laura, whose munchies topped the charts ... and kudos to Floyd County's own Huber Winery & Distillery. Ted's Knobstone compared quite favorably to the Portuguese and Australian ports, and that's high praise indeed.


  1. Due to the late (make that very early) hour at which I completed my post over at the "View" I failed to mention the quip of the evening at yesterday's Council Meeting.

    Immediatly following the re-passage of the Schmidt Plan someone on the council asked if this scenario was finally over.

    King Larry responded with "Yes, unless some citizens wanted to continue spending taxpayers dollars on frivilous lawsuits!"

    With that a motion was heard to adjourn and inspite of himself CM Kochert could not resist banging the gavel prior to hearing a second.

    CM Messer objected and they had to go through the proces all over again to make Larry's last act as an elected official legal.

    Ain't life grand??

  2. As to the rest of my evenings activities, I had a splended time at my inaugural Port & Cheese tasting.

    I'd like the thank the founders of the event for inviting me to attend and I'm already looking forward to next years session.

    Happy New Year!!

  3. An elected official who thinks that equal representation is frivolous, is frivolous themselves.

    Good riddance.
