Sunday, December 09, 2007

Catholic League: Children still can’t be trusted to read.

Give the Torquemada Memorial Random Theology Wheel a mighty heave and you’ll almost always land on a space in which one Christian sect or another is denouncing the human capacity to think and reason.

This week, it’s the Catholic League’s turn.

Christian groups slam new Kidman children's movie, by Tangi Quemener.

Christian groups are up in arms here over a new children's film starring Nicole Kidman and based on an award-winning novel by British author Philip Pullman, accusing it of being anti-religious. "The Golden Compass" which opens here Friday is the film version of "The Northern Lights," the first book in Pullman's "Dark Materials" fantasy trilogy aimed at teenage readers.

The author goes on to note that the film version, while stripped of much overt anti-religious sentiment in a bid for broader appeal, “has failed to appease the Catholic League, which gathers some 350,000 members, and which has already been sending out leaflets denouncing the film.”

“The Catholic League wants Christians to stay away from this movie precisely because it knows that the film is bait for the books," said president William Donohue.

"Unsuspecting parents who take their children to see the movie may be impelled to buy the three books as a Christmas present. And no parent who wants to bring their children up in the faith will want any part of these books," he added.

In some obscure way, it’s reassuring to learn that even in modern times and our bewildering multiplicity of mass media sources of irreligious corruption, the humble book, complete with pages made of paper and nary a microchip in sight, remains a major threat to religious orthodoxy.

Has Reclaim Our Culture Kentuckiana (ROCK) taken a position on “The Golden Compass”?

If so, has One Southern Indiana?

1 comment:

  1. Am I the only one who senses arrogance in a statement of what all Parents may or may not want to do in terms of their childs reading habits?
