Saturday, November 10, 2007

Not big enough, Mr. Dalby: If only it were Bono, and not merely a spectacularly failed president.

U2's singer could provide an international perspective ... and he can even play an instrument, too.

Someone tell Dubya’s stonefaced advance men that I’ll consider listening to the lame duck’s ungrammatical blather -- consider, mind you -- only so long as he promises to bring, say, 50 kilos of Cascades hops with him as a love offering.

I’ll even wear my 8664 t-shirt to the party to annoy 1SI’s enduringly exurban brain trust, but only if hops are part of the deal.

Best throw in a few kilos of Centennial, too. Those are my favorite.

Tell you what: Shriveled shrub brings the hop bribe, and I'll bring a few gallons of Elector ale to lubricate the proceedings. After all, Elector's motto is "It Makes Democracy Pointless," which naturally refers to the original stolen election of 2000.

Yes, President Bush to visit New Albany Tuesday (News-Tribune).

The visit was the idea of One Southern Indiana Chief Executive Officer Michael Dalby. The organization wanted to bring in a speaker and decided to think big, (1SI chairman of the board Kerry) Stemler said.

One Southern Indiana asked the president to visit in order to give members a national perspective on economic matters. Stemler said the agency was quite fortunate to have him agree to do so.

Truly, it gets more and more difficult these days to suppress a yawn.

Does anyone really think this lastest drain on the local law enforcement budget would be happening if not for Mike “Hot Wheels” Sodrel’s wacko decision to spend another couple million dollars of Republican slush money from Mississippi, Idaho, and Riyadh to assist in avenging his providential 2006 loss to Baron Hill?

Looks like the "Sodrel 2008" campaign ads start on Tuesday. It’s going to be a long, long year, and there aren't enough Shop-Vacs in all of the former Northwest Territory to clean up the mud soon to be generated.

On the bright side, earlier today I escorted my wife’s British cousin to the Muhammad Ali Center, where she was delighted to learn more about a true American hero.

Oddly, we did not see Diane McCartin Benedetti there.

Maybe next time, eh?


  1. We are one vision, one voice for business-- except for the other 77%.

  2. Maybe we could open a high tech torture center to kick off the new industrial park and promote the bridges project.

  3. On the one hand, downtown New Albany "is back" if we can host the president in one of our finer restored buildings. On the other hand, if it were any president but this one...I might be interested in what he has to say. Unfortunately I'll be out of town Tuesday or I would be working on my "STOP THE WAR" sandwich board now. anyone else going to protest?

  4. I have been seriously considering the weight of my schedule tuesday, and I believe that de-scumming my garden pond is by far more entertaining. Sorry George.

  5. Anonymous11:22 PM

    No where have I been able to find a definitive time when George W (cocaine enthusiast) Bush is speaking. Regardless, I will be protesting, but even hardcore dissidents need a schedule. Do you know when he is scheduled to speak?

  6. Not sure, Josh. Something in my mind keeps saying 2 p.m., but I can't find it, either.

  7. I thought Saturday's C-J said shrub would be appearing at The Grand at 1:15 p.m.

    Teresa at Treet's said the action (secret service security cordons) would be from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., which meant his would be a quick visit if the C-J time is correct. She also said the trench-coated and sunglassed agents told her no "loiterers" would be allowed at her sidewalk tables.
