Friday, November 30, 2007

The big clam-up: In which we inaugurate the Michael Dalby/One Southern Indiana stonewall watch.

Yes, it's become a full-fledged trend.

For those interested in statistics, it's Day 11 of the Michael Dalby/One Southern Indiana stonewall watch.

Dalby, 1SI's president, offered NAC a solitary, sadly disengenuous e-mail on November 19th, and has opted for silence ever since.

For the record, we do not agree that silence is golden. Yellow is another matter entirely, but we'll leave that to our readers to decide. What's keeping the leader of our region's foremost collection of political and economic clout from answering a few questions?

Here is the bibiography to date, from most recent to oldest:

Next: A dialogue about One Southern Indiana, ROCK and economic development as religious (why?) outreach.

Join the discussion: Is a stonewalling 1SI being disingenuous?

Familiar Tribune guest columnists (ahem) expose 1SI, Councilman Cappuccino.

Nobody listened to Eisenhower, either

Why is One Southern Indiana publicly endorsing a fundamentalist right wing agenda?

R.O.C.K. on, One Southern Indiana ... but first, please answer these inconvenient questions.

One Southern Indiana: Much to answer for, and most (perhaps all) of it at taxpayer expense.

Photos: No torture for a downtown bridge.

Not big enough, Mr. Dalby: If only it were Bono, and not merely a spectacularly failed president.


  1. Dont expect much of a response Roger. The inherent problem with 1si is that its CEO answers to his Board and therefore the politically and economically elite of southern indiana.

    I do not believe this organization truly is concerned with the real purpose of economic development which is to raise the standard of living and improve the quality of life in its service area.

    I will say it again, their agenda is to continue perpetuating the concentration of wealth and power in a few hands while discouraging smart growth initiatives, environmental responsibility and most importantly, working to increase the job skills of our areas working class.

    We should encourage companies like SHOT TECH, the aerospace company. Are they members of this organization or better question, why isnt their organization on 1si's board?

    Look at the current board members and you might begin to understand why the organization acts as it does.

  2. I certainly don't mean to make light of the odiferous, "funny if it weren't true" goings on at 1SI but...

    An excerpt from Monty Python's "Cycling Tour" sketch, one of my favorites.

    He is surrounded by three secret policemen dressed in identical suits, dark glasses and pork pie hats.

    Grip Come with us, please.

    Pither Oh, who are you?

    Bag Well we're not secret police anyway.

    Wallet That's for sure.

    Grip If anything we are ordinary Soviet systems with no particular interest in politics.

    Bag None at all. Come with us.

    Pither Oh, where are you taking me?

    The secret police all move away to confer.

    Wallet What do we tell him?

    Grip Don't tell him any secrets.

    Bag Agreed.

    Grip Tell him anything except that we are taking him to Moscow where Trotsky is reunited with the Central Committee.

    They return to Pither.

    Wallet We're taking you to a clambake.

    Pither Oh a clambake! I've never been to one of those.

    Grip Right, let's go.

    Bag Who's giving the orders round here?

    Grip I am. I'm senior to you.

    Bag No, you're not. You're a greengrocer, I'm an insurance salesman.

    Grip Greengrocers are senior to insurance salesmen.

    Wallet Cool it. I'm an ice cream salesmen and I am senior to both of you.

    Bag You're an ice cream salesman? I thought you were a vetenarian.

    Wallet I got promoted. Let's go.

    Bag Taxi!

    A girl enters dressed as a New York cabbie.

    Taxi Yes.

    Bag Drive us to Moscow.

    Taxi I have no a cab.

    Wallet Why not?

    Taxi I'm in the Secret Police.

    (they all snap into salute)

  3. "...the real purpose of economic development which is to raise the standard of living and improve the quality of life in its service area."

    jeez, ecology warrior, where did you get your MBA..? Tree-hugger U ?

    If it weren't for the select few and their relentless focus on maintaining their wealth we wouldn't have hedge funds or botox or gated "communities".

    Capitalism is built upon the idea of the select few pigging out as an inspiration to the masses to work hard and aspire to be one of the select few. God bless America.

    Thank God we have a non-profit quasi-governmental entity like 1SI to look out for the select few, to speak with one voice for the white christian family values economic development agenda. Have you noticed - they kicked God outta the schools, and outta government? They've even kicked God outta Christmas! What's left to dominate, er, I mean promote except economic development?

    Jeez Louise Eco-war-guy, give a red blooded american financial services executive a break!

    Look at it this way - some CEO's don't play golf. Where else can we coordinate our wealth management strategies if not a PR value loaded "community development" board like 1SI? We used to have the Floyd Memorial Board meetings till that curmudgeon reformer NA Health started asking questions.

    What is this country coming to when high-net worth individuals can't have a little friendly collusion at tax payer expense?

    I say starve the schools, rip up the streets, fire all the police, give every taxpayer dollar to a group that knows what it is and isn't afraid to deny it.

  4. G:

    Grandiloquence beyond measure. Brava, brava, brava!

    "...a group that knows what it is and isn't afraid to deny it."

    Didn't know you had it in you!

  5. I'll second that.

    Michael (Pither) Palin and crew have nothing on G.
