Friday, October 26, 2007

Work on the River City Winery begins.


  1. what's the skinny on this "winery"?

  2. I have only the rudimentary outline, but it's a well planned project that has been in the works for a while; local people behind it; an experienced vintner; and plans for a deli and gourmet pizza to complement the wine tastings.

    Wineries have many more options with regard to tourism infrastructure support at the state level than breweries, so they should be able to hit the ground running.

    The building's fine, but of course needs work. There is a marvelous Old World cellar where the winemaking will take place, and plenty of room overall.

    I'll have more as it comes in. I wanted to let people know the winery's happening, while not doing to the winery people what the Tribune recently did to us, i.e., taking a few unnecessary liberties with the brewery story.

  3. We are incredibly excited about this new venture! Can't wait to see more progress.

  4. Does Kaiser own this building?

  5. When Mike Kopp originally told me about this, they were going into the old Fair Store building. Anyone know what happened?

  6. Annie, I've heard more than one side to the story, but the gist of it is "it (the deal) ain't over 'til it's over."
