Monday, October 22, 2007

VIDEO: 3rd District Council Q&A

The East Spring Street Neighborhood Association hosted a question and answer session for 3rd district City Council candidates on October 10. Steve Price is the Democratic incumbent. Brenda Scharlow is the Republican challenger. ESNA President Greg Phipps moderated with a few pre-submitted questions taken from earlier meetings with mayoral candidates. The rest of the questions and conversation were directed by attendees.

The full session lasted a little over an hour. It's presented here in nine segments of six to ten minutes each, arranged from top to bottom in chronological order so that each segment flows into the next. One question was missed, as noted in the respective segment.


  1. Anonymous5:05 PM

    I would say there is no comparison in the quality of these two candidates.

    Republicans win hands down here.

  2. i believe Scharlow wins here. Not necc the GOP

  3. Anonymous8:50 PM

    Scharlow.... no question about it.

  4. As poorly as Price performed here, at least he showed up and debated. He may or may not be reelected in the 3rd district, but that that puts him in second place in the mayoral race.

  5. Price was foolish, but Scharlow didn't demonstrate a mastery of the facts on the ground.

    Scharlow offered an attitude I can sign on to, though. If she can meld facts with attitude, she can be a good council member.

    Price has disqualified himself on performance.

    Neither seems to comprehend the implications of two matters important to ESNA - rental inspection and traffic calming.

    Price once again made statements that disqualify him as a desirable candidate. That gave, and gives, Scharlow an open field. On policy, however, she did nothing to advance the ball.

    Sure would be nice to look forward to a candidate who had more to offer than a personality and a hard-on against government.
