Friday, October 05, 2007

Here it is: The official parade party slogan for 2007.


  1. I wonder if a "caffeine-free" Coffey would make any difference...naaaah!

  2. He appears more likened to the variety named Chester White.

  3. Loved your garage Roger. Thanks for the refreshments and god - how we needed them today! My first and hopefully last Harvest Homecoming parade...boring, sorry, but that was the worst parade I've ever seen in my life. Maybe it's just me. But the whole shebang felt like a throw-back to 1969. Well, maybe that was the point...yawn. Next up? Miles of fried nothingness and imported chinese crap. Whoopee!

  4. whatever! HH has the best Chicken N Dumplings, corn and Apple dumplings and ice cream!

  5. ran into his buddy yesterday playing music. asked if they new a few songs and he was pretty much an jerk about it...must have been practicing trying to be a rockstar..
