Wednesday, August 08, 2007

A special meeting of the Redevelopment Commission on Tuesday, July 14.

The following edited version of a piece previously published late last night when my consumption of restorative, progressive pints precluded fact checking, comes to you in altered form thanks to an alert reader, who graciously informed me of a factual error. I have nothing to say in my defense, save that when it comes to distinguishing between conjoined Luddite councilmen, I sometimes find myself utterly unable to discern, and question whether it really matters.

To be more specific, and as it pertains to the city of New Albany, if the Redevelopment Commission must include two council representatives, is there any difference between the 1st district’s Dan Coffey and the 3rd’s Steve Price occupying one of the two obstructionist chairs?

The press release below is about Scribner Place Phase II feasibility. Throughout the process of initiating the current phase, which includes a YMCA and swimming facility, CM Coffey continually vowed to self-immolate on the steps of the City-County Building rather than permit local government to improve prospects for the Wizard of Westside’s own fiefdom – then, lacking modern spark-making technology, failed to follow through with the projected fireball owing to the time required to rub two sticks together.

(There – found a way to include that section, anyway. Hah.)

Phase II presumably will stretch eastward, into CM Price’s realm, and he can be expected to oppose any potential council district upgrade just as vociferously as Coffey. I say that either of them being associated with any manifestation of “redevelopment” is the sort of ironic, cosmic and cataclysmic guffaw that the master of the universe routinely issues to residents of the city of New Albany to incite (as opposed to insight) the consumption of more Big Bufords.

Oh, well. Not to intentionally mimic the random legal document generator pioneered by the fraudulent Erika over at Freedom to Screech (Yellow), here’s the official notice as provided by the Redevelopment Commission:

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN for the following New Albany Redevelopment Commission Special Meeting to be held on:

Tuesday, August 14, 2007
5:30 - 7:00 p.m.
New Albany Floyd-County Public Library Auditorium

RE: Scribner Phase II Feasibility Study Findings Presentation

The meeting will include a presentation by Browning Investments, Inc. regarding the Scribner Place Phase II feasibility study.

Dated this 24th Day of July 2007.

New Albany Redevelopment Commission

John Rosenbarger, Director

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