Thursday, July 19, 2007

Cold coffey, stale biscuits, lumpy gravy and Cappuccino's planned mass deportation of functionaries.

Amid rumblings of discontent inside his hermit kingdom of Westendia, Councilman Cappuccino is expected to leave the secured perimeter of his West 7th "green with envy zone" compound in order to attend tonight’s city council meeting, where he has promised to kick-off a star-studded witch hunt in an effort to expose the identities of “political appointees … who are not needed."

New Albany council to look at city's ongoing expenses; Using 'rainy day' funds has uncertain support, by Dick Kaukas (Louisville Courier-Journal).

Unfortunately neither the CJ’s pliant reporter nor NAC was unable to interview CM Cappuccino at last evening’s official grand opening of Speakeasy Jazz, because, as noted political commentator and bridge player Chico Marx once noted, “He fool us. He no show up.”

Perhaps Cappuccino was busy renewing his auctioneer’s license, planting a pumpkin patch in honor of Whittaker Chambers, or searching for the crucial information that has constantly eluded his grasp.

Meanwhile, having gracefully dodged the poison arrow recently launched in her direction by the villainous and cowardly two-headed Denschak troll, city clerk Marcey Wisman helpfully provides the council meeting agenda here.


With the second half of the 2007 political season fast approaching, we’re still scratching our heads and wondering:

Whatever became of the city council redistricting lawsuit?

Will the 3rd council district be graced with a platform from either GOP candidate Brenda Scharlow or Libertarian pro wrestling chronicler Thomas Keister?

Did 5th district Democratic nominee Diane Benedetti ever take advantage of her free ticket to the Muhammad Ali Center?

Will the GOP caretaker mayoral candidate Randy Hubbard risk venturing an opinion – on anything?

Just wondering. And you?


  1. I am not a fan of Mr. England but at least he has proposed some things and commented somewhat on personnel matters if he is elected. Mr. Hubbard continues to say it is too early. If he does not know what and who he wants by now, he never will. I am extremely disappointed in the GOP candidate. Of course if the rumor is true that he is going to be just the opposite of Louisville's "Mayor for life", I guess he won't be there long enough for his opinions to matter.

    Mr. Coffey states that the budget needs to be cut by eliminating unnecessary political appointees. I would like for him to name the 10-20 people that he deems unnecessary.

    The vote is on the use of approximately $600,000 of rainy day funds. Please, Mr. Coffey, name 10 of said people that earn $60k. Or, name 20 that earn 30k. Without knowing for sure, I doubt that there are 10 politically appointed positions that pay 60k, much less 10 that are unneeded.

  2. Anyone attending tonight? Bluegill cannot. I'll be there, and I hear that Highwayman may.

    If so, we may have to adjourn early for a Progressive Pint.

  3. I plan to attend.

    What does that mean? If H-man shows up we adjourn for a progressive pint but if it is just you and me...

  4. I had truly hoped that Mr. Hubbard would have come out early and hard with definate plans and platforms for his potential term as mayor.
    I can only hope that he is operating under the ideology of "saving the best for last".
    Not that I have anything at all against Mr. England as well. We could be potentially looking at a win win situation, depending on the amount of cooperation from the council.

  5. " We could be potentially looking at a win win situation, depending on the amount of cooperation from the council."

    Ah, what would I give to have your youth and optimism again. Not much I can do about the age part so I guess I need to work on the optimism part. Keep plugging Csd619, I need all the help with changing my attitude that I can get.

  6. Hoosier,
    Not being the most optimistic gold fish in the bowl, heres the way I see it.
    We have been fortunate enough to rid ourselves of at least one councilman, who at one point was good, but has become disconnected, and uncaring (win).
    There is the opportunity for more to follow suit( just look at the ideologies of John Gonder, he is staying active even "out of season"), if people will actually make informed votes come November (pie in the sky there).
    But the choices between our Mayoral candidates are not that bad, it could have been better, with fresh meat, untainted by the political circus, but it could have been a hell of a lot worse too.
    England almost has to have kicking around in his brain the fact that he has all ready once been sent to the political unemployment line by the voters, he is going to have to come out strong and stay that way. I have talked to quite a few Dems who feel he had his chance, and the voters put a republican woman at the helm (nothing wrong with women, and most republicans ;) )
    As far as Hubbard goes, I know him as a tough as nails leader, t's crossed and i's dotted, no excuses.
    Perhaps I am being a little too optimistic, yes, but a lot of positive change is occurring in our little city by the river, and I hope that will continue in the fall elections.

  7. I do not know Mr. Hubbard but his reputation seems to be as described. I was optimistic about his candidacy but am rapidly losing that. Less than 4 months to the election and he has not said boo--at least publicly.

    With your background, you probably know him. Would you ask him this question for me?

    "Mr. Hubbard, will you state, unequivocally, that it is your intention to serve the full 4 years as Mayor if elected?"

    That would be start on at least saying something. A man of honor should have no problem answering that question.
