Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Send away the tigers.

I ducked into Kaiser’s Tobacco Shop yesterday afternoon to purchase stogies, and in the process came under the watchful eye of Councilman Dan Coffey.

We exchanged patently insincere pleasantries, and I proceeded to the case to select my babies. Meanwhile Bluegill stepped through the door, and for a brief moment the progressives outnumbered the regressive two to one.

The moment quickly passed, and as we exited onto Pearl Street I looked straight across at the parking lot currently owned by one of the slumlord Gregory gang, recalling early childhood memories of the post office that used to stand there until it was leveled by an earlier generation of movers and shakers who couldn't be bothered with tiresome tasks like thinking.

And so less than fifty years separates the last sunrise for an example of public architecture that signifies an ascendant city’s willingness to succeed, from the sunset decline gleefully presided over by semi-literate hack politicians and their "property investor" paymasters.

Strange place, this.

But the cigar was quite good.
Photo credit: www.epodunk.com


  1. You mentioned the gregory clan in this posting, My dear sweet wife had the pleasure of meeting one, turns out she works with one of the younger ones at her day job.
    He was excited to know where we lived, he told her he saw us out milling about our yard and exclaimed to her that he was out "checking" on TWO houses he just aquired last year down the street from us. Of course she instantly knew which homes he was speaking of as they are the nastiest houses on that block.
    She launched into quite the verbal beating of Gregory the younger and sent him running back to his department with his head down!
    Needless to say, she did not make a new friend.....

  2. That parking lot with the "stage" in the middle of it is up for sale. Would be fantastic if the business owners and the city would go together to purchase that property, take out the concrete, and that "stage", make it into a green space complete with picnic tables and park benches. In the place of the old "stage" could be a bandstand/gazeebo where musicians could play. It could even be called Merchant's City Park

  3. CSD, what was that about leeches?
