Monday, June 04, 2007

Open thread: Tonight's council meeting?

8:50 a.m. update - Coop provides coverage of the meeting at his blog, New Albany 15A: Council Meeting June 4 2007

The senior editor did not attend tonight's council meeting, and NAC may or may not be providing coverage. If you were there and wish to report, please do so in the comments section.

1 comment:

  1. I recommend seeing Coop's blog, New Albany 15A, for the recap.

    I would add that it did get very heated between Mr. Gahan and the Council President over the sewer budget. Also, Mr. Blevin's held up a copy of the storm water board budget as an example of a proper budget, not cash flow estimates as provided by the sewer board. He was basically shouted down by Mr. Coffey(for one) stating that the SWB budget was a lie. Of course, that was totally missing Mr. Blevin's point about the "form" of the budget.
