Friday, June 01, 2007

Mr. G and the Underground Railroad Bicycle Route.

At the New Albany Bicycle Coalition blog, we’ve been following Greg Gapsis’s bicycle journey northward along the newly christened Underground Railroad Bicycle Route from Mobile, Alabama to the Canadian town of Owen Sound on Lake Huron.

Bicycle path through New Albany: The Underground Railroad Bicycle Route.

At last word, Greg was making for Niagara Falls, and had decided to stop there rather than push on into Canada. He may be heading back this way by now. Here are links to the updates, with the most recent listed first. The ones penned by Greg himself make for excellent reading, and have provided NAC’s senior editor – as yet unable to bicycle himself owing to the shoulder surgeon's orders – with a wonderful opportunity to live vicariously through Greg’s adventures.

'Twas a Dark and Stormy Night (and the suspicious Christian minister said "hit the road")

Mr. G update.

Update: Mr. G crossing into Pennsylvania today.

Central Ohio--Frosty Night Coming Up

Mr. G now well into Ohio.

Oh, the beautiful Ohio!

Mr. G hits the trail, and we'll keep you posted on his progress.


Here are some links about the Underground Railroad Bicycle Route:

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