Sunday, June 03, 2007

He did select a mighty fine smoke.

It is a law that I’ve cheerfully violated dozens of times during my European travels, but then again, I’m neither the governor of California – nor council president Larry Kochert, who has also been known to ignore laws he doesn’t favor.

Attack lapdog poodles, anyone?

Was Schwarzenegger's cigar a Cuban?, by Michael R. Blood, Associated Press Writer.

The celebrity governor known for his love of premium cigars was headed to the Ottawa airport Wednesday when his motorcade made a detour to a hotel. There, Schwarzenegger picked up a Cuban Partagas cigar in a shop, with the $14.83 bill paid by an aide traveling with him, the Ottawa Citizen newspaper reported.

Under trade restrictions, U.S. citizens are prohibited from buying Cuban cigars anywhere in the world.

If I had a Partagas in my possession, I’d take it to Northern Kentucky, light it up, and blow smoke rings around the new Creation Museum; coupled with the ridiculous Cuban trade embargo, they’re two reasons to suppose that the bill of goods we’re selling to people in places like Iraq is “fundamentally” miscalculated.

Is this a good time to talk about Michael Moore’s latest?


See also: IUS professors join academics in signing statement questioning Kentucky’s Creation Museum, from the Tribune.


  1. I'll agree with you about the Cuban Cigars, but in the land of the free, let the creation museum stand.

    You have the right not to believe, and I have the right to believe, which is the foundation of this country.

  2. I didn't suggest not letting the creation museum (lower case) stand.

  3. I feel that the fundamental rights to believe what a person wants to believe.
    But in regards to a creation museum, this is completely misleading, and ignorant. To present in an "educational" setting human beings interacting with dinosaurs, is about as educational as watching the flintsones!
    Science has proven that our planet is 4.5 billion years old, and through radio-carbon dating has pin pointed the dates of fossils to with in a thousand years.
    A person can believe in God, and believe that evolution, cosmology, astronomy, paleontology, as well as forensic anthropology are correct.
    Let the creation museum farce stay, but users beware, it will serve to do nothing more than to further church sponsored ignorance of a complexed, and wonderful chain of events that have shaped our universe, solar system, as well as our planet and all life on it.

  4. The day I believe that I am nothing more than a link in a chain of events is the day I will have no purpose to live!
