Saturday, June 09, 2007


Is it possible to plagiarize the babblings of a non-existent, transgendered "professor" whose rampant delusions are lifted straight from the miniscule pages of Bazooka Joe as viewed whilst ingesting acid like Gatorade?

I didn’t think so. If you suspect that I’m inventing these satires from whole cloth, you have a higher opinion of my abilities as fiction writer than is merited.

Visit the web site of my chief cut ‘n’ paste gag writer and see for yourself.


The NA Confidential Dissembler Award (purely atrocious playacting) directs public and local readers’ attention to promote to specific issues where much better grammar is needed, and quickly. It also prevents poor paraphrasing of predictably unattributed original sources (
see them here at the Golden Fleece website) by motivating bloggly ghost writers to deploy cowardly anonymity and thereby avoid the spotlight.

This spotlights important facts that deserve attention to the shadowy motives of the Gang of Four, as expressed therein.

Our American freedom of speech can only work if readers and the council members have the information they need to make informed decisions about who ultimately is pulling the strings behind shambolic attack blogs. Decisions with an informed debate are far less likely if the people lacking the intestinal fortitude to be themselves pursue policies of character assassination behind their masks. They are unsound.

By giving readers the facts about
how local shadow governments devote their time to behind-the-scenes Rove-ian dirty tricks empowers denizens of the blogosphere to better ensure that their reading time is not wasted by breathtakingly bad writing.

The NA Confidential Dissembler Award serves notice on Department heads, City Boards, members of our City Council, and current Administration not to give undue credence to those who dishonor genuine freedom of speech by cowardly and self-serving anonymity.As they say: Disguises off and no personal attacks without disclosure!

Finally, NA Confidential plans initially to announce Awards "occasionally" as good gut laughs come to our attention.

Footnote: The first ever NA Confidential Dissembler Award (purely atrocious playacting) winner will be announced Sunday~June 10, 2007.

Who will it be?

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