Friday, April 13, 2007

Day 38: Whatever it is, CM Price is against it.


  1. Now come on Roger, Don't hold back. Tell us how your really feel about your current representative!
    Love the art work!

  2. It would appear that neither challenger will seize the opportunity to define the incumbent, and seeing as the incumbent himself no longer cares to try -- at least on line -- it's left to me to point out that the incumbent is capable of being defined largely through negation.

    In a competition between nothing and something, I'll go for the latter. It continues to be a shame that we must choose between two somethings, but that's out of my control. I will continue to do all that I'm able to do: Chart the dimensions of the incumbent's nothingness.

    Tough job, but someone's ...

  3. Keep up the good work!!
