Friday, March 02, 2007

From one lame duck to another.

Two of the protesters who gathered across Silver Street to provide balance to the machinations of the presidential hagiography machine came into the pub afterward and said that the crowd of dissidents was sizeable, and that’s a source of great joy here in the curmudgeon’s lair. It wasn't the only source of amusement on a slow news day.

NAC had been told earlier that city council kingpin Larry Kochert, a Democrat, was among those wangling precious invitations to pose as VIPs and attend the speech from a visit that wouldn’t have happened unless Mitch McConnell, a Republican, brought W to town to raise the big bucks. Did he make it to the party on time?

Presumably Slippery Larry was seeking quality time to commiserate with the Chief Executive over their plunging favorability ratings. Waiter, two lame duck soufflés – and hold the smoke.

A “surge” from one, a “ban” from another, and speaking of bans, now would be a good time for me to divulge that in light of my ejection from the last city council meeting – admittedly, Kochert called that one right – I’ve decided to hand myself a one-meeting suspension as penance. I call upon my esteemed fellow transgressor to follow suit, but whether or not he does, my evening off will be Monday, March 5.

Did I mention a beer dinner at Bistro New Albany on Monday, March 5?

Meanwhile, today’s Tribune reports the one positive thing to emerge from today’s presidential photo-op:

NA-FC Superintendent: Silver Street not scheduled to close, by Eric Scott Campbell.

Shuttering the 90-year-old institution is “not something we’ve talked about,” (Superintendent Dennis) Brooks told The Tribune on Thursday.

“The school’s an old school, and for several years we’ve had discussions about facilities districtwide. ... We have a committee that is looking at all of our school facilities, but there’s been no decision made to close any school,” Brooks said …

… The superintendent surmised that there’s been “a lot of emotion about [the school’s anniversary] and I think it’s caused people to think more about the school than they would otherwise.”

Didn’t they used to hold ward heeling classes in the councilman’s garage – or was that Haiti?

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