Friday, February 09, 2007

A periodic reminder: NA Confidential's mask-free policy on reader comments is explained.

Given the passions of the election season and noticeable recent increases in site hits and page views, it's time for another brief reminder of our disclosure policy. Thanks to all readers for your support of persnal responsibility in the blogosphere.


Newcomers, please take note.

NA Confidential believes in a higher bar than is customary in the blogosphere, and follows a disclosure policy with respect to reader comments.

First, you must be registered with according to the procedures specified. This is required not as a means of directing traffic to, but to reduce the lamentable instances of flaming and personal attacks on the part of the anonymous.

Second, although pen names are perfectly acceptable, the senior editor (yours truly) must be informed of your identity, and according to your preference, it will be kept confidential.

To reiterate, I insist upon this solely to lessen the frequency of malicious anonymity, which unfortunately plagues certain other blogs hereabouts.

You may e-mail me at the address given within my profile and explain who you are. Failure to comply means that your comments probably will be deleted -- although the final decision remains mine.

Thanks for reading, and please consider becoming a part of the community here, one that is respectful of the prerequisites of civilized discourse, and that seeks to engage visitors in dialogue.

Roger (senior editor)


  1. In short, it validates your integrity.

  2. Thanks, and of course, not everyone feels that way.

    But most of them are wearing masks, I suppose.

  3. My feeling is this. If people lack the testicular fortitude to identify themselves with their opinion, they forfeit the liberty to engage of civil, public discourse.

  4. John, Please take this as tongue-n-cheek. I wonder,can you say that in church???

  5. Roger let me first say didnt mean to be wearing a mask just forgot to check mark my name and email on my profile. Also ill try to keep my personal feelings private, just venting a little to much. Again love the site and look forward to many interesting discussions.

  6. Ill be sure to check my facts next time and will be sure to read the HOW TO SLANDER IN A POLITE WAY FOR DUMMIES book. LOL

  7. Youthmovement, you might pass it on to Dan Coffey when you're done.

  8. Now your makeing me feel old. and new blood do i know you from somewhere.

  9. YM, I think we met at Bistro New Albany. I had a few Croupiers though so I'm not real sure. where you about 4 foot tall wearing plaid and a beanie?

  10. Not me, but have heard rumors of him running around down there. Strangely enough croupiers always seem to preceed that little guy, must just be a coincidence.
