Sunday, February 18, 2007

A bibulous Bible belt?

Thanks to Indiana Beer for this link to proof that theology and zymurgy are not mutually exclusive.

Beer and the Bible, by Tim Townsend (St. Louis Post-Dispatch; 1/27/07)

In a back room at Schlafly Bottleworks in Maplewood, about 50 people gathered on a recent Wednesday night to talk rock 'n' roll.

Why are Bob Marley and Kurt Cobain considered by some to be messiahs? When did rock music lose its edge and become another product manufactured and marketed by huge conglomerates such as Viacom?

It was a conversation perfectly suited to the setting. Beer-stained wooden tables and the smell of hops complemented a free-flowing, spirited debate among hip young people in scruffy beards and T-shirts.

In 2007, this is church.

Theology at the Bottleworks is run by a wildly successful congregation of young St. Louisans called The Journey. The Schlafly program is part of the church's outreach ministry. And it works.


  1. I have to say being a former bible banger. Yes I lived for jesus at one time not to mention I sang in the youth choir, taught a class to 5 and 6 year olds, was the only teenager that was voted onto the committee to find a new pastor oh and one time I thought I had a "calling from god" to be a missinoary. I give that church alot of credit for being open minded. It reminds me of the show on the sundance channel called "One punk under a god". The illustrious Jim Baker's son leads a church cimilar to this. But anyone dealing with the Baptis church knows that they will not stand for these type of actions. In the baptist churches eyes dancing is a sin, gays are people born with disease and are going to spend eternity in hell and countless other views I myself do not share. I guess thats why I am where I am today.

    Off the subject keep up the good work guys. NAC is a website that I visit several times a day.

  2. I will give it to you the guys you mentioned were great. On a side note didnt Jimmy Page and Eric Clapton sign a deal with the devil?. Jimi Hendrix was amazing. I personally am not a huge Jimmy Page or led zeppelin fan. Pink Floyd on the other hand huge fan. Although you have no taste for todays muscic more and more people turn to music as a relgion. Artist such as Rage Against the Machine, Nirvana, Bob Marly all have had a role in changing the way, my generation at least thinks. Artist like Marilyn Manson have had a huge role as well. Todays artist are more in touch with their fans as well. I have perosnally hung out with my fovorite artist on a few occasions and have even emailed him back and forth a time or to. This type of interaction between todays artist will give them the staying power in peoples memories.

  3. But you never proposed doing it at the brewery.

    Perhaps we can do it sometime ...

  4. The issue with drinking in the Bible is not drinking per se, but drunkenness. Actually, in Biblical times, it was believed that there were only two valid times for people to drink alcoholic beverages; when they were alone or with other people.

    A touch of church history or hysteria. The issue with alcohol and Christianity was strictly an American issue and that led to the Prohibition and such. In churches, many churches moved away from serving wine at Holy Communion to grape juice. One of the major 'players' in this transition was a Methodist Bishop, Bishop Welch. Guess what his family made?

    I laugh at some of the modern day preachers who claim that the wine in the Bible was really grape juice. The fact of life was that they didn't have the ability to preserve a liquid that didn't have alcohol in it.

    And, Roger, if you want to have a church service at the brewery you need only whisper the word... :-)

    Actually, it could be an interesting interactive kind of thing.... Hmm....

  5. John, the more I hear from you, the more I like you!
