Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Feeling "Auntie Bellum," Erika plays the gender confusion card.

Read what "she" said in PLAYING THE RACE CARD: TRUMP OR JOKER?, at "her" blog, Freedom to Screech.


  1. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Seems funny, but for some one who is a champion for the "little people" in New Albany, FOS seems to love reverting back to race for giggles. Lest we forget that to FOS Mr. Toran was but a "boy" in the little christmas poem that they had posted....or wait...maybe FOS just simpy has something against the Toran Family

  2. And lest we forget, all the while perpetuating fraudulence by hiding behind a fictional creation.

    Hard to imagine why otherwise respectable business people find it useful to be a part of this mess, but then again, I've never been a disciple of Macchiavelli.
