Saturday, January 20, 2007

CM Price: The 3rd council district is "just like a spoiled child."

I wonder what that makes him?

Now that my councilman finally has a re-election campaign just around the corner, and suddenly and expediently sees the pre-existing light of the blogosphere, he is choosing to dispense a veritable "Greatest Hits" of one-chord, shopworn homilies electronically – the theory, generation and transmission of electricity ironically being aspects of a “can-do” outlook toward the planet Earth rather than Steve Price’s usual “can’t-do” twang of resigned desperation.

More on that in a moment.

Nonetheless, I’ve credited him with this decision to generate simplistic Internet content even if the quality of it has tended to remind me of the impending need to visit Feeder’s Supply for another 50 pounds of kitty litter. Such are the flagrant, self-serving and outright false deceptions that he’s managed to foist on the mercifully small reading public during two short weeks of soiled Internet post-it notes, and of course this isn’t surprising given the approaching election season follies.

Take this claim:

Various neighborhood associations wanted a full time city attorney – when it was presented, they changed their mind.

As was made clear at last evening’s council meeting, and as has been addressed on numerous occasions previously, CM Price’s much referenced full-time city attorney was to be funded at a salary level commensurate with that of a Taco Bell shift manager.

Note also that the councilman’s depiction of shifting neighborhood whims is deceptive in the extreme, as it does not take into account the toil expended by so many transparently sincere people to devise strategies that are comprehensive and meaningful, not ephemeral, symbolic and cynical in the fashion of an inadequately funded attorney.

Citizens learning on the fly deserve more than the level of participation and assistance consistently denied their efforts by CM Price, who has preferred to point to himself holding a shovel rather than a book – perhaps because no etchings of the latter currently exist. Like his fellow conjoined councilman Dan Coffey, CM Price is fondest of photo-ops showing him presenting a fish to you, and far less eager to go on record as teaching you how to catch it.

Here’s another bit of doggerel from CM Price’s Book of Dreams:

It is way past the time for us to look within the means we already have for resolution.

No, Steve. A thousand times, “No.” Your paradigm is a recipe for failure, precisely because it has already failed.

It is way past time for us to look outside the means we already have for resolution.

And, outside these means is a place you simply – as well as simplistically -- cannot conceive.

1 comment:

  1. Brandon,

    Thanks for the clarification. It's Good to hear from you.
