Friday, December 29, 2006

It's a date: "Confidentiaholics Identified" at the Public House, January 8.

To be exact, 7:00 p.m., and no jokes from me about Progressive Pints.

Rather, on January 8 at 7:00 p.m., we'll have a very informal meet 'n' greet for NAC readers at Rich O's Public House, 3312 Plaza Drive (off Grant Line Road, across University Woods Drive from Kroger).

It's "Confidentiaholics Identified," as coined by Bluegill, and there'll be no agenda beyond getting to know one another and widening the circle of faces to names.

All are welcome. Seriously. If it looks like the crowd is big, we can move into the banquet room and have a bit of privacy. Otherwise, we'll take the corner of the front room.

I'm flattered that the consensus is to have the gathering at my place of business, but if it looks like something we do again, we can spread the wealth to other establishments in New Albany with no objections from me.

Bring a friend or a neighbor if you please. See you on the 8th.


  1. Sounds fun. Hubby has been alerted to solo kid bathing, story reading and tucking in responsibilities for the evening.

  2. Could we call it "Drinking Confidentially"?
    anonymous posters can come with bags over their heads?

  3. Nah, Confidentiaholics has such a nice, unique ring to it, don't you think?

    Besides, it eliminates any possiblity of "Who are these guys?"
