Friday, November 17, 2006

UPDATED: City council temporarily enables the city's second ambulance.

(Update: Here's the full Tribune account of the meeting)

There was a city council meeting last night, and work commitments prevented the senior editor from attending.

The Courier-Journal appears not to have bothered, and preliminary Tribune coverage was posted at its web site this morning:

Second city ambulance to return

The New Albany City Council at Thursday night's meeting appropriated $75,000 to return the city's second ambulance to service through at least the end of the year. It should begin runs on Sunday or Monday, Mayor James Garner said.

A band-aid thus applied and further controversy only temporarily deferred, and meanwhile ...

Who wants to be a New Albany council member? GOP hears little interest in replacing Commissioner-elect Seabrook, by Eric Scott Campbell (News and Tribune).

Help wanted: Politically experienced Republican to join all-Democratic council just in time to run for re-election. Fluency in grants and sewers a plus.

Even considering the thin field that meets those qualifications, Floyd County’s GOP chairman is still surprised that no one yet wants Mark Seabrook’s City Council at-large seat. But he believes last week’s election results are scaring some prospects.
“There’s a pretty obvious anti-Bush trend,” James Hancock said Tuesday, referring to President George W. Bush. “People who might have considered” replacing Seabrook, an incoming Floyd County Commissioner, now are hanging back.

In his capacity as one-man party delegation, CM Seabrook indeed set the bar high, and in the vast majority of instances has served as a reality-based, straight-talking bulwark against the perpetual self-aggrandizement and shameless ward heeling of the council's Gang of Four obstructionists.


  1. Anonymous12:24 PM

    James Hancock's explanation as to why he is finding it difficult to replace Mark Seabrook on the City Council may be true. However, I believe that the real reason is this: Why would anyone want to willingl submit themselves to the possibility of lowering their intellectual level, not to mention brain damage, stroke and heart attack by having to listen to and deal with some of the current members of the City Council (you all know to whom I am referring)? Mark Seabrook should receive a Purple Heart (New Albany version) for enduring the physical and mental strain that he has sustained in his valiant efforts.

  2. Nick, I agree wholeheartedly.

    Good to have you drop by.
