Friday, November 10, 2006

A remarkable week and an alternate portal.

The sun’s out, my bicycle’s finally out of the shop, the Spring Street bridge has reopened, Scribner Place is underway, Rummie and Hot Wheels are vanquished, and a smidgen of sanity seems to have been injected into America’s politics – probably only briefly, but as I wrote to several of my overseas friends who offered congratulations, we’ll take what we can get.

A fine, fine week now draws to a close.

To celebrate, I’ve thrown up a primitive portal of sorts to assist in directing those who may search for rather than the blogger URL.

Of course, this blog remains the primary NAC website and the one with complete archives, so the new site merely redirects visitors back here -- but it’s a free-standing site in its own right, and just might offer a few entertaining possibilities down the road.

Go to NA Confidential and check it out.

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