Sunday, October 08, 2006

Time for just one more -- beer, not parade float.

Thanks to everyone who stopped by the Confidential household to watch yesterday's Harvest Homecoming parade, which turned out to be the biggest parade ever (109 entries) even if Davy Jones of the Monkees was unavailable to reprise his early 1970's appearances as grand marshall -- surely a high water mark of New Albany's annual celebration.

A clown was spotted masquerading as 3rd District councilman Steve Price.

Libertarian congressional candidate Eric Schansberg also was in the parade. Several onlookers concluded that Democrats should donate money to Schansberg's campaign in the hope that he'll drain a proportion of evangelical Christian support from the Republican, Mike Sodrel.

By the way, it simply isn't true that the senior editor "mooned" Sodrel, although some in attendance threatened to launch a scurrilous rumor to that effect. By definition, one cannot "moon" without showing some cheek, and this I did not do. Rather, I showed the incumbent my back as a form of protest against his persistent and damaging wrongheadedness.

Here is one awfully big fireman ...

... and the float from the East Spring Street Neighborhood Association.

We'll do it again next year. Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

  1. Oh, yeah, I remember when Davy Jones was the Grand Marshal. That was one of the high points in New Albany history.

    Anybody know if we made the Guinness (sp?) Book of World Records for that huge rock & roll band on the 4th of July? Of course, that would pale in comparison to Davy Jones.
