Friday, September 22, 2006

UPDATED: Bravo! Fortissimo! Author! Keep those cameras rollin', rollin'.

When you're driving down the highway at night
And you're feelin' that wild turkey's bite
Don't give Johnny Walker a ride
Cause Jack Black is right by your side
You might get taken to the jailhouse and find
You've been arrested for driving while blind

--ZZ Top, from "Arrested for Driving While Blind."


Note: Those damned high school students filled the cheap seats in the rear filming area – that’s just gotta stop. I really need to keep my back to the wall.


Perhaps having previously visited NA Confidential, one of the students said she was expecting to be entertained, but in truth it was a civilized meeting by prevailing city council standards, with the usual outbursts and acrimonies surprisingly muted.

I’ll leave it to the local newspaper writers to provide the play by play, and move directly to the color commentary. When their stories appear, updates will follow below.

Speaking of the media, during the evening’s most heated discussion – sewer department salaries – there was a five-minute recess, and the Courier-Journal’s new man on the job was pulled into the corridor by none other than our local Greenway Commission representative.

When he returned to his seat, I leaned over and asked him to check his wallet.

No, really.

Previously, Ms. Bolovschak’s customary leadoff public speaking time had ended on a strange note when she inexplicably bobbled an easy, choreographed lob pass from 3rd District councilman Steve Price on the topic of her role in bringing the Greenway check home from Indy. The fumble occurred after several of her political shot attempts were savagely blocked by city controller Kay Garry, who wisely chose not to risk a technical foul with undue celebration.

Once again rebuffed, and with considerable force, Ms. Bolovschak took her seat, only to suddenly spring to the podium again during the communications from public, i.e., non-Greenway officials, prompting a flabbergasted gavel from council president Jeff Gahan and a gasp from the direction of Sigmund Freud’s grave.

Moments later, as Mayor Garner finished a brief statement during his speaking time, a female voice from the back row was heard to say, “you’re welcome” – and it wasn’t from Professor Erika, who talked through much of the meeting and was consoled by Cappy Dick.

So, as predicted here yesterday morning, the price of admission included a floor show … and, for once, not from the Siamese Councilmen.

However, let’s not forget the Priceless Quote of the night:

“It’s been told to me, that compared with other cities … we have a two-headed monster … it will become insolvable eventually.”

I think Mr. Price was referring to salaries of police and firemen.

But he may have been talking about Sybil.


Council OKs $16.1 million budget; Some New Albany workers get raises, by Matt Batcheldor (short shelf life for Courier-Journal links).

The New Albany City Council approved a $16.1 million budget for 2007 last night, overcoming differences over longevity pay for some city employees and the salaries of sewer department workers and Building Commissioner Ron Hartman.

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