Friday, September 01, 2006

Prague interlude.

I'm taking advantage of a lull to check mail and relax while my fellow beercyclers explore the wonders of Prague, the Czech capital city that lives up to its reputation for beauty. Two of my friends have not been here previously, and are understandably excited about seeing the castle, the Charles Bridge, and the interior of the U Fleku beer hall for the very first time.

Our lodging here is in a campground lovingly and efficiently maintained by a family that lost its ancestral homestead during the nationalizations of the Communist era, but was awarded it back after a restitution process that followed the Velvet Revolution. Half the barn houses horses, while the other half contains the family quarters, a restaurant operated by the son, and the guest rooms that we are inhabiting.

It's worth remembering that our very presence at Camp Drusus testifies to the Czech Republic's admirable success -- rocky indeed at times, but steadily progressive -- in moving beyond the many ghosts of its past and redefining itself for a future within the European Union.

I'm impressed and humbled by Bluegill's eloquence in my absence. More later ... perhaps next week.


  1. If only in America!

  2. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Prague is a mixture of modern shops and ancient architecture, Gothic spires and Baroque facades. Absolutely fantastic place for leisure, to explore architecture, go shopping, taste European cousin and enjoy chilled Czech beer. Everyday, innumerable cultural events take place in Prague and it is impossible to manage to see them all. If all this is not sufficient for anybody, there’s no need to despair. This city on the Vltava River contains other than traditional tourist destinations. Thanks favorable value is sometimes better to find Prague hotels further away from the centre because in comparison to other world metropolises Prague is quite small and its public transport is effective so you do not have to worry that you will spend most of your time on trams and buses. Periods when the tourist crush is especially oppressive include the Easter and Christmas/New Year holidays, as well as May and June.
