Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Mark your calendars: NA Confidential’s Harvest Homecoming Parade fete, Saturday, October 7.

For the third year running, NAC’s friends and fellow travelers will monitor the progress of the annual Harvest Homecoming Parade from the porch of the senior editor’s Spring Street homestead.

The parade begins at noon at New Albany High School, and will pass NAC’s impromptu reviewing stand a short time later. As in times past, the format is strictly open-house; stay for a few minutes, or all day. It's your choice. There'll be no protocol.

However, there will be a pot of vegetarian chili, and a semi-professional grilling master (Jason) on duty to cook sausages and other meats (provided) to taste.

Those planning to make a day of it, please bring beer snacks or suitable sides. Small batch sodas from Milwaukee’s versatile Sprecher brewery will be on hand, as will a selection of draft beer courtesy of the New Albanian Brewing Company.

We encourage walking and bicycling; parking places are limited (none on the street), so if you drive, be creative – and arrange a designated driver.

Walk-ins are welcomed, but for the purpose of planning, all I ask is that you provide a tentative and non-binding RSVP.

Hope to see many readers on the 7th …

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