Friday, July 07, 2006

“TOUR DE GARDE”: Bistro New Albany/Rich O's Bastille Day French Biere de Garde Dinner and Bike Ride on Sunday, July 16, 2006.

In France, Bastille Day is celebrated on July 14, which falls on a Friday, so we've decided to celebebrate two days later with a bicycle ride through New Albany, a multi-course French meal and the long-awaited French Bieres de Garde tasting -- all at or near the Bistro New Albany.

New Albany's Bastille Day Biere de Garde Dinner and Bike Ride
Sunday, July 16, 2006

At 2:30 p.m., we'll embark on a bicycle ride.
Beginners and intermediate riders should be fine to ride this course, whch is generally level ground: Tour de Garde Ride July 16th, 2006. Park by the Farmers Market or near the Bistro New Albany (corner of Market and Bank), because when we return, it'll be time for relaxation, war stories and a few introductory tipples as we await dinner. Note that in the event of inclement weather, the ride will be cancelled. Naturally, you need not join the bike ride to dine and sample later in the day.

Circa 5:00 p.m., the meal will begin.
Weather permitting, we intend to use the courtyard, but can go indoors if necessary. The French menu will be accompanied by the Bieres de Garde, roughly four ounces per person of each selection listed below. The exact beers to match the various courses will be revealed here before the day of the show, but it should suffice to say that the metropolitan Louisville area has not seen such an assembly of Northern French ales.

Chef Dave Clancy's Menu:

Hors- d ‘ oeuvres
-Canapês au Duxelles (mushroom canapes)
-Oeufs Farcis Garnis (stuffed eggs)
-Boucheés au Chevre (puff pastry with goat cheese)

Soup Course
-Pureé de Cèleri (celery soup)

Salad Course
-Salade de Betterave (beet-root salad)

Entree Course
- Suprême de Vollaille á l’ Arlesienne (breast of chicken with fried eggplant)

Dessert Course
-Tartlettes aux Nuisse (nut tartlette with blue cheese)

Bieres de Garde/Northern French Ales:

Cuvee des Jonquilles (Biere de Garde de L’avesnois)
La Choulette Ambree
La Choulette de Noel
Les Sans Culottes
St. Sylvestre Gavroche
Thiriez Blonde
Thiriez Amber
Thiriez Extra

There'll be additional bottles of most of these ales, priced reasonably, and available for those wishing to sample further. There's no possibility of carry-out sales on Sunday. Remember that although these ales are of moderate alcoholic strength, you are obliged to arrange your evening's transportation accordingly.

The price per person for the Tour de Garde meal and beers is $50, with service not included. Those wishing to partake of a non-alcoholic meal will pay less. For this event to work, we need no fewer than 20 people to reserve spaces, with a limit of 30 at the most.

Reserve soon by e-mailing me: Roger A. Baylor.

See also: Dreaming about Northern French ales? I am.


  1. The ride is designed to be fairly easy, so any bike would do. There will be a couple of small hills, but they're not long grades by any stretch.

    It would be nice to have gear options, but I suspect the route would be doable on a three-speed Euro commuter bike.

    We have an informal local biking blog underway at

    That might be an appropriate place for a conversation about your questions, or e-mail Edward Parish from the profile links.

  2. I haven't been this excited since Edith Piaf topped the charts! I'm dusting off the beret - see ya there...
