Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Dan Quayle walks out of Mellencamp show.

As reported by the Associated Press on Friday, July 21:

Don't expect Dan Quayle to attend another John Mellencamp concert.

The former vice president, miffed about a comment made by Mellencamp about Pres. Bush's administration, walked out of the singer's July 14 show at Harvey's Lake Tahoe Casino in Lake Tahoe, Calif.

Mellencamp, unaware that Quayle was in the audience, introduced the song "Walk Tall" by saying, "This next one is for all the poor people who've been ignored by the current administration."

Quayle, who was in town for a celebrity golf tournament, then made his exit, deciding "enough was enough," his spokesman, Craig Whitney, told the Los Angeles Times for Friday's edition. "He wasn't going to sit there and listen to this."

Mellencamp, however, said he had no regrets.

"I still feel there are many people left behind by this administration," he said in a statement to the Times. "Not talking about problems doesn't make them go away. It's kind of telling that he chose to walk out as I was doing a song about tolerance."

If I recall, Dan Quayle can't spell "tolerance."


  1. It wasn't the song. Dan thought he could buy some cantaloupe and realized he was in the wrong place.

  2. Cantaloupe? Or was he looking for a potatoe?

  3. I have to be honest. I looked up cantaloupe to be sure.

  4. Since becoming profitable, Mellencamp has dedicated his time to public service. Since becoming a public servant, Quayle has dedicated his time to profit.

  5. Bluegill - that's a good one "Since becoming a public servant, Quayle has dedicated his time to profit." Rock on Johnnie Cougar!!

  6. Proud of another southern Indiana citizen who Speaks Out Loud.
    Mellancamp says it well.
    Dan Quayle is an embarassment to himself and every other Hoosier.
    Like every other in the current administration, he refuses to even listen.
    "Minds are like parachutes...
    They only function when opened."
