Monday, June 05, 2006

A Night at the (Comic) Opera … or, Back to Birdseye ...

... performed by Danny and the Junior.

Yes, in less than two hours, the show begins anew.

I’m expecting something akin to the Scopes Monkey Trial, spiced with a bit of Monty Python, and heaping portions of melodrama as New Albany’s common council – of whom eight out of nine are Democrats – convenes to consider two more of 1st District councilman Dan “Wizard of Westside” Coffey’s legislative assaults on the stubborn reality of the 21st century.

This posting should serve as an adequate opening thread for the post-meeting discussion. We’ll be back later this evening.

And will the last person to leave Steve Price's kneecapped community, please turn out the Lites?

1 comment:

  1. I simply can't bear to go to another Council meeting, so I'm spending the evening with the under-8-year-old crowd. Please provide synopses (and synapsis, for that matter!)
