Friday, June 02, 2006

Exotic dancers do their part for the war effort, don't they?

For those coming late to the discussion, Bluegill’s thought-provoking A Question for the Community and the thread emerging from it should be referenced.

In essence, my colleague asks: Can we locate a New Albany/Floyd County politician who stands for something, and if so, does his or her position bear any intrinsic relationship to local political parties insofar as these entities stand for anything?


I’ve gone back a few days into the Tribune’s archive for this:

A Time To Remember; Clark, Floyd veterans honor fallen comrades, by Larry Thomas (News & Tribune).

Marching east on Market Street in New Albany, Marine Corps Lt. Col. Ben Gipe lamented Memorial Day’s lost meaning.

Gipe, the commander of Floyd Central High School’s Navy Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps, and his students were among scores who participated in New Albany’s Memorial Day observance.

To many U.S. citizens, Memorial Day has become nothing more than the kickoff of summer — a day to roll out grills, speedboats and bikinis.

“That’s OK, too, but also pause to remember,” he said. “No one else protects our Constitution. It’s only veterans. It’s not lawyers or politicians.”

Lt. Col. Gipe’s lamentation bears repeating.

“No one else protects our Constitution. It’s only veterans. It’s not lawyers or politicians.”

As the son of a veteran, I’ll not quibble with the self-evident assertion that soldiers “protect the Constitution,” although it’s worth noting that chief executives periodically deploy fighting men for tasks seemingly unrelated to the founding document’s purposes.

But “only veterans?”

And: “Not lawyers or politicians?”

Am I the only one who thinks that the officer’s broad swipe at certain professions – certainly useful cogs of the home front – throws opens one of CM Steve Price’s infamous Pandora’s Boxes?


  1. Anonymous11:37 AM

    I agree with Ben.

    This statement is accurate. He is not saying others do not do things that support our rights, but it is the military men and women who have always fought on the front lines.

    There are many others supporting the efforts but they are the one throughout history "fighting" for the freedoms we enjoy

    We continually want to devalue certain professions and groups and by doing so, the complacency we have been talking about gets worse.

    Why don't people choose certain jobs and professions?

    It is because many want and desire satisfaction and recognition but continually are disappointed. Some people truly need to have words of encouragement to feel love and appreciated. It is their primary "Love Language"

  2. Tim,
    While not disagreeing with your comments, we need to always keep in mind that it is our civilian leaders that send the military into action. If it is not a Constitution protection fight, it is not the fighting man's fault.

  3. Anonymous12:12 PM


    I believe in Evil. I believe there are people who want us dead and will continue to do whatever it takes to reach that end.

    I believe that the comments you made are short-sighted and ill-informed.

    I know I will disagree agreeably with many other bloggers on this particular site. It doesn't make either of us wrong, just in disagreement.

    Oil is one of the many facets of this war, but not the only one. I am willing to admit that and hope others are as well

  4. Lt. Col. Gipe's point, I think, may be in reference to the level of sacrifice required. There are no doubt some in the community and country other than soldiers who are obviously dedicated to protecting the Constitution but, in general, aren't taking shrapnel as a result.

    As we know from the Constitutional proving ground, though, human rights is often a bloody business regardless of whether one dons a uniform or not.

    In addition to the three potential "protectors" mentioned, I'd add voters to the list and probably in the top slot. Aren't they and their ability to choose, after all, both who/what's being protected and the ultimate arbiters of how that protection is manifested?

    It may be the collectivist in me, but I can't help thinking that if each of us gave just a little more, we wouldn't so often have to ask others to give so much.

  5. I read the comment, New Albanian, and while a quote on the record is certainly fair game, I moved on past the hiccup it gave me.

    Fairly or un-, I assumed LTC Gipe did not actually mean what he said, but confronted by a reporter, he issued a sound bite, hoping to make the point that veterans of every stripe (active duty, service fulfilled, reservists, Guard) go unrecognized.

    But, Memorial Day is not Veterans' Day. Memorial Day is to remember the lives given (and no, I won't bring up S. Price's priceless defense of illegal gambling) in defense of this country.

    Soldiers, marines, airmen and sailors take this oath:

    I, _________, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.

    But back to LTC Gipe. Surely he did not mean to say that members of the military are the ONLY ones who defend the Constitution?

    I will not stint in my appreciation for those who enlist anymore than I would have for those who were drafted in our day. The risks they take to defend our country and its interests, and their continued fealty to civilian control and republican government are worthy of celebration and memory.

    But when it comes to defending the Constitution, they are flatly NOT the ONLY ones doing so. More than any others, they are defending the country, its people and lands, and its principles (including the Constitution) with their minds and their bodies. They run the risk of being memorialized on Memorial Day as having died defending their country and the Constitution.

    But many, many others defend the Constititution who do not serve in the military. And some do it at great sacrifice, including death by unlawful means.

    So, unless I hear otherwise, I will assume the colonel misspoke. I got his point, and I get yours, New Albanian. And I get Tim's.

    Thank you, veterans. Thank you, families of those who've died defending us. And thank you to all who defend the Constitution every day.

  6. Permit me to repeat: I've no bone to pick with Lt. Col. Gipe, who I know to be a good man.

    I italicized "only" for a reason.

  7. My brother, LTC Gipe, and I don't always agree on things. But please, PLEASE ask him about the Marine's "slaughter of innocent victims". And ask him "in person - face to face". And while you're at it, please ask me or my other brother about the Army or Nat'l Guard's "slaughter of innocent victims". I don't think you'll understand our responses unless you do ask us "in person". My brothers and I have proudly served this country (and will do it again) so you can ask such an assinine question without being jailed, hanged, or having your tongue cut out. Our military has made some mistakes - that's war. But if you think you can produce a 'mistake -free' combat unit - please feel free to enlist or check online at
