Thursday, May 11, 2006

It’s a wonderful time not to be a Republican -- right, Erik/Erika?

First, consider the plight of the illegitimate President G. W. Shrub, middling along at a 31% approval rating, and the governor of Kentucky, Ernie Fletcher, who was indicted today.

Then there’s the long overdue downfall of Indiana State Senator Robert Garton, the long-serving Soviet-style apparatchik, who was defeated in the recent primary election by – get this – a fundamentalist Christian who has gone on record to advocate public flogging as a Biblically acceptable method of dealing with miscreants.

Whoa. Winner Greg Walker of Columbus goes on to say that in spite of God’s approval for such methods, he hasn’t had to strike his own children because they’ve been properly respectful.

Over at Freedom of Speech, the gender-confused imposter has congratulated precinct committee winners of both parties, including one Edward Stoess.

Way to be right on top of things, Erik/Erika. Not much gets past you. Now try crunching the numbers on that one and see what it tells you about having a lot to learn.


  1. I don't know about the Biblical implications, but really! Can't we all think of someone who might deserve a good, old-fashioned public flogging ; ) ?

  2. Lonegunman:

    Your comments are valued, but
    NAC and PC prohibit anonymous posting. If you wish to post with a screen name, please contact me via my e-mail (in profile) and divulge your identity (it will be kept in confidence).

    Henceforth ... well, you probably know the rest.


  3. Thanks to Lonegunman for obliging.

  4. My credentials with respect to non-violence are firmly established, and any one out there who really knows me understands this. The Stoess tragedy disgusts me, which is why my written swipe was obviously and transparently intended to be at the expense of the anonymous owner of Freedom of Speech, who was (and perhaps still is) in the position of congratulating a murderer for his electoral success.

    The "edit post" function at Blogger is easy to grasp and use. I suggest that Erik?Erika use it, if he/she hasn't already done so, and remove this reference.

    "Given the relative lack of size of our community, it is imperative that people of all stripes work together to effect positive change. Your blog has in the past provided an opportunity to learn more about a variety of educated viewpoints in our community."

    My thoughts exactly. I'm out here each and every day, with my name on the line. So is Randy. I'm sorry you feel this way, but I'm heartened that at least in this case, the three of us know who we are. That's far, far more adult than the spitwad blogyard's idea of dialogue.

  5. Am I missing something here, or is Brian reacting to Roger's writing by taking it out on Randy? I'm confused.

    Randy made no mention of Stoess and doesn't even appear in this thread. What gives?

  6. Dear Mr. Zipperle:


    Sincerely, Randy Smith, All4Word.

    I'm not sure what comments you might be addressing, but they surely weren't mine.
