Saturday, April 15, 2006

A city of roses and deluge.

Portland,OR ... it's raining. I'm told that's normal.

Someone in the neighborhood is providing wireless access. Thanks to them.

The morning was spent walking the avenues nearby, stopping for breakfast in an establishment that is purely local, but would be considered in the upper echelon of Louisville cuisine, drinking good coffee, and in broad terms, admiring the type of city that can result from enhancing the value of urban neighborhoods rather than gutting it.

In short, the type of experience that our Siamese Councilman neither can comprehend, nor will ever be able to assist in bringing to fruition.

Over breakfast, my friend and I discussed the attitude shift necessary to bring about positive change, and how those that can't derive self-worth from actively thwarting those who can.

When's that next meeting?


  1. Tuesday the 25th of April is the next scheduled neighborhood forum meeting. Dr. Newman is scheduled to preside.

    Good news to report!! A group of citizens frome the West End have finally said "ENOUGH" and are scheduled to meet on tuesday April the 18th to discuss plans for a neighborhood watch program! This via a report in today's Bune.

    Oddly enough, while it was stated that the New Albany Police Officer Todd Bailey is going to be present to assist the citizens in this effort, CM Coffey's name was nowhere to be found in the article.

  2. Typo's notwithstanding in previous comment, I forgot to mention an even more radical development.

    SOLNA has officially banned anonomous commentors. Well, at least sort of. Apparently the discourse had become too risque and personal for the folks over there.

    The site now requires that commentors be registered bloggers in their own right. They may post under their user name, but she will withold their identity upon request!

    Hey! Did someone say the world really is round???

  3. For the second straight year, Destinations Booksellers set up a booth at the Earth Day festivities sponsored by Trash Force.

    In Inditucky, Earth Day is banned from the riverfront at the Falls of the Ohio State Park on the actual, official day of commemoration. So Trash Force schedules around Big Loud Noises and Flashing Bombs Over Loosieville. Did anyone ever think of the New Albany riverfront on the real Earth Day?

    BTW, Sen. Gaylord Nelson passed away in this past year. The Wisconsin solon essentially created the commemoration, and our friends Ed and Suellen Wilkinson were great friends of the late senator.

    Many great progressives were on hand at the event. Wish you all could have joined us. Across party lines, people of good faith and good conscience came together to share ideas.
