Saturday, March 25, 2006

IUS students provide storm water drainage assistance.

Tim Deatrick alerted us to this story two days ago, and this morning, both local newspapers covered it:

A little hands-on training; IUS students help with study on storm-water drainage, by Ben Zion Hershberg (The Courier-Journal).

The hope, said consulting engineer Steve Mayes, is that if enough IUS students are willing to learn how to map and analyze the city's storm drainage system, they can help with the continuing monitoring and analysis required by federal and state regulators.

The details of future student assistance in the effort are still to be worked out, Mayes said. But yesterday's trek with the students could help lead to a partnership between IUS and the city on the storm-drainage program.

The Tribune story will be linked here when it appears on-line.

(Here it is).

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