Sunday, February 19, 2006

In which the blogger departs the sunken vessel for rosier climes.

I have something to get off my chest, so kindly indulge me.

Regular readers of NA Confidential know that the Bistro New Albany was supposed to have opened for business on February 6, but that at the last moment, numerous issues arose and the project was put on hold.

You also will recall that neither I, nor my brewing business (NABC), was ever an investor in Bistro New Albany, although there was an agreement between NABC and BNA for the latter to sell our microbrewed New Albanian beers, as well as an accompanying (and informal) promise from me that BNA would have the exclusive right to do so in downtown New Albany for at least a year and perhaps more.

Dear readers, please understand that I’m not intentionally being unresponsive with regard to your many, many questions about this situation.

If I had fresh news about Bistro New Albany – if I had any news at all, even stale tidings – I’d gladly share them with you, but I’ve heard nothing for two weeks.

The telephone at BNA is disconnected, and in the absence of updated information, I’m inferring that while other investors may yet be waiting to step forward and commence operations at the site (as I was told previously), the format won’t necessarily be the one that I was so enthusiastic about and willing to support with NABC’s beers.

In short, I honestly thought there was a loop, and that I was somewhere in it, but two whole weeks without a phone call, text message or smoke signal have made me pessimistic, annoyed and unwilling to squander any more of whatever personal and professional integrity that has been lost since the commencement of this fairy tale-turned-nightmare scenario.

MK, if you’re reading, please be aware that NABC beer placement at whatever incarnation replaces the BNA at the corner of Market and Bank is off the table unless I’m informed otherwise -- and very, very quickly.

Instead, we’re perfectly happy to focus our efforts on supplying our good friends at the Come Back Inn in Jeffersonville, and finding someone else to work with here in New Albany, preferably toward a low-risk, sustainable NABC tap room project with a relaxed atmosphere, a short but interesting pub grub menu, and perhaps an espresso machine.

Yes, I’m going to miss the prospect of drinking NABC beer in that beautiful courtyard at the former House of Bread. However, there’ll be other places and other times.

Anybody out there open for a discussion? Drop me a line.

I feel better now. As you were.

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